Total attended = 1,333
Cleared Written = 238
Selected = 28(15 boys 13 girls)
It was a shock that they selected only 28 from 1,333 and I’m really happy tat I am one among that few.
Two Rounds:
1.Written test.
2.Interview. (Tech n HR)
The Merit Track conducted the test. It was organized perfectly and they expect discipline from us.. Before the test u have to fill a form. Do it carefully because some of my friends got questions 4m tat.
1.Software Orientation:
2.Hobbies and extra-curricular activities
3.Strengths and Weakness
4.Expectation from CTS
5.Why CTS
6. Long term and short-term goal with CTS
7.What are the qualities necessary for software professional to be successful
1.Analytical Ability (25 Q, 30 Minutes)
Venn diagram questions
Data sufficiency
coding 1 represented as $ and 0 as *(easy.. jus convert it into Binary)
Cubes related questions are very important
My suggestion is do Coding First. Then Venn dig. Cube problem n others..u can surely score full marks fm coding n venn dig…cube is also easy when u understand it.For cube take the cubic root of the no of pieces.64 means 4(keep as x value)..then 2 side painted means 12*(x-2).1side painted means 6*(x-2) 2 . (horizontal n vertical) like wise u must think n apply according to the question..
1.venn dig- people hving dif heights 6feet ,6’6 feet, 5’5 feet.and questions like no of people who is 6 of people who is 5’5feet…..
2.In codin there will be only normal arithmetic operations n L.c.m..i don remember them.
For ex..64/4= 16 = $****.first solve it n convert it to binary..
3.Cube- a cube of 12 cm is cut into small 3cm pieces..then place another 4 small cubes over it..and another 2 small cubes over the 4cubes..then again one more cube over the 2 cube…the cube is then painted from top to bottom
12/3=4…so 4row 4column…draw a dig of cube first. Imagining the cube only help u to solve rather than formulas. How many cubes r painted on only one side?
how many cubes r painted on only 2 sides?
how many cubes r painted on only 3 sides?
how many cubes r painted on only 4 sides?
how many cubes r painted 0 sides?
(my friends told me tat cube problems hav more marks than other questions)
2.Verbal Ability (20 Q, 20 Min)
Find out the incorrect sentence
Find out the correct sentence
Jumbled Passages
-Don prepare any thing for this ..It won help u..Jumbled sent n correct incorrect sent are a little depends on
3.Attention Details (20 Q, 20 Min)
Find the odd man out
Analogy of figures (Simple)
Very easy compared to other sections..any one can crack it with out any preparation..If u think to prepare jus go through puzzle test n syllogism from R.S.Agarwal Verbal reasoning
Analogy of figures –Non verbal Reasoning
Next Day My interview was at 4 .00 p.m.I was really exhausted at tat time in waiting from morning. 9 panels (approx 25 each). I went into the interview hall. He was reading something.
Me: Good Evening sir..
He: (raised his head).Good eve.Sit down
Me: Thank u sir
He: again he started to read something.after 10 sec he asked “So u are Uma”
Me: yes sir
He: Tell me smthing abt urself
Me: said.
He: Tell abt
Me: Told abt the theme of project ,modules n everything I know.(as I m in the start of my final sem I don know my project in depth)
He: wat language
Me: C n Java
He: So,wat r u doing ,wat is
Me: (told frankly)Sir as I m in the start of my final sem I know only the concept.We are having one more month to complete it. So we are still learning things abt our project.
He: k…(great relief for me).. u hav put tat u know C n C++.
Me: Yes sir
He: Tell abt Object Oriented Programming
Me: Tld abt inheritance, abstraction, Encapsulation, polymorphism….
He: Tell all those things with an example program.
Me: (Be Confident in whatever u say.. Even though u fear don show it in
He: wat is Overloading and overriding…with eg program
Me: Explained it with program
He: wat is operator n function overloading its diffe
Me: Explained
He: wat is virtual ,Inline..
Me: Explnd (I bcame happy as I answd al of them..but my happiness didn’t last much time)
He: k…Listen Carefully..I will give u a situation…(Oh!GodSave me).In a college Library they contain a set of books..and all the books are different..many professors will take those book now and then.. the books come from various places and he kept on saying…(I couldn’t understand al tat he said) tell wat concept of inheritance u implement in this situation..
Me: Multiple Inheritance…(tld quickly)
He: hmm…Wat is the base n derived class in it…
Me: Base class-Book….Derived class- professors
He: wat is the relation n wat details each class contains….
Me: Base class contains the details of bookID,Authour…derived class contains the details abt professors…who hav last taken it.. date of return…and said something more abt the relations(not sure …)
He: questioned from wat I said…. I answered two more was difficult. So I started to think…
He: K…(Stoppd my thinking)..wat is
Me: I want to become a senior s/w engineer and must have learnt so many things in my way of it…
He: hmm..Wat is the method
Me: it is a function-block of code etc….
HE: Why v have to use it.. wat is the reason
Me: reduces complexity..if the pgm is like a paragraph it is not easy for user to understand…reduces length.. reusability…blah..blah..
He: k…write the declaration of an array of pointer.
Me: did
He: K, apart frm
Me: yes sir I hav dne paper presentation in Cryptography
He: tell abt it
Me: this is easy for me…I explained.
He: k..that’s al the questions from my side…Do u want to ask me any thing
Me: how many months we will be provided the training..
He: answered and asked “If u are placed means are u comfortable to work in chennai” (tat is the clue tat I m placed..I got excited tat I m going to get selected)
ME: Yes sir I’m very much Comfortable to work there…
He: k..thank you
Me: Thank u so much sir…..
All that u have to do is be urself….don fear…n be frank .they are very smart people.. so…never lie…answer confidently..u will get through it.Be thorough with everything u put in
ALL THE BEST.DON LOSE HOPE..JUS KEEP TRYING.. don worry for others comments and wat they say. They will never come along with u in
Best of luck...................
Hey thanks. Your post gave me confidence. Im going to attend CTS the coming week.
thanq...for saying ur interview experience.....Really it gives sum confident and hope...thanq v.much
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